A downloadable game

Made during 1 hour Big Frog Jam, 07.09.2023 IGDA Kotka

The Archduke Frogz Ferdinand's breakfast before the fatal car ride. Let his last meal be the best in his life.


Catch as many flies as you can. The one who catches the most wins.

Pieces needed

1-3 players
a gameboard 5x5
a frog tocken
7 flies tockens
1d6 die
Points of Interest (can be drawn on the gameboard): window, turd, plant pot, dining table


This is how the gameboard looks before the game starts.

Board setup

Gameboard setup

Game setup

Frogz (player) and flies setup

Board + Game setup

Gameboard + characters setup

Turn sequence

The player controls The Archduke Frogz Ferdinand's movement. Frogz's starting point is in the centre of the board.

Flies' starting points are in the four corners of the board (2 in the top right, 2 in the top left, 2 in the bottom right, 1 in the bottom left).

  1. Roll 1d6 to define where flies move (go to Random fly movement section).
  2. Roll 1d6 to define how far they move.
  3. Roll 1d6 to define how many moves does Frogz (player) have. Every turning action spends one move. Frogz can turn on 45 degrees in any direction.
  4. If a fly is within the Frogz's Frontal Arc (go to Frontal Arc section), the player can try to catch it on a successful roll of 5+. On failure the fly escapes to the furthes tile from the player.

If player didn't spend all their moves before making an attempt to catch a fly AND there are more flies left within Frogz's Frontal Arc, the unspent moves turn into the number of attempts the player is allowed to make.

    5. The turn moves to the next player and the turn sequence resets.

Random fly movement

Aftet 1d6 was rolled, the drawn number defines in what direction all flies move.

1 - flies move up
2 - flies move down
3 - flies move right
4 - flies move left
5 - flies mowe towards Points of Interest

Every fly moves to the closest to it Point of Interest. If the fly is already standing on the Point of Interest, it moves to the next closest one.

6 - flies move away from Points of Interest

Frontal Arc

This is the range of the Frontal Arc. It covers 3 tiles that are within the Frogz’s eyes range.

Frontal Arc

Frontal Arc


TagsBoard Game, Multiplayer, Tabletop
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsVoice control
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player count2 - 4

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